Tuesday, September 23, 2014

So my mind can předzaujatost media that let up

Home Articles Beauty Media Minibásně Poems Quotes Ordinary Life Mud other lists of satire aro 2011 compost compost compost Compost Republic at the grocery store fight with compost mulch Not that such jokes and horror HEVER BEAUTY GALLERY aro 2011 Drawings Cartoons Picture satire Photos aro 2011 2003-6 POESIE DEDICATED TO CONTACT ondřej Sidor || | Beauty | media | events ||| Motto of the day: Those who hate it, the truth sounds like hate."
It had long been angling for David Rath, after a year of imprisonment the court finally came to trial. aro 2011 It's not a pretty aro 2011 sight; actually I wonder how come our dojmologická media still did not express their disgust. Before the Honorable Court is sitting young gypsy woman, old woman, with a nose like a cannon, miserable idiot, what allegedly drank before, and of course the thieving bastard. Thick advocate is inflated, the mouth strinště he čepýří as any bird, cloudy plaintiff again looks like Marx; it seems as if his head was burning white flame, as it has generally overgrown hair and beard. aro 2011
But this is just a first impression, which would have given the editors Mf Dnes. On the other, we learn that the court will deal with Rathových seven million. If there retrospect trivial amount not used illegally. It would also have gone on corruption; actually all the time in our media pounding that is sure to go about it. Now it has finally decide; DR says that millions had the legal sponsorship. Well the sevens amount remembers; Wine is again usually in 0.7 l bottles aro 2011 and boxes of wine was the hallmark of this strange affair. aro 2011 They say it should, instead of bottles, finding the millions. aro 2011 Why not, it's a lot of money, and yet the person aro 2011 shall, in a case like a mobster aro 2011 if you were to be used in a legal manner.
Anyway, even seven million aro 2011 is not so little, so the media whipped up quite predictable atmosphere of envy, and fuss digging into the man held in prison; as if that was not enough, tried to politicize aro 2011 the whole affair. She came to be with the idea that millions of Rath's campaign should go to the Social Democrats. Like it perhaps should mean something bad, or as the CSSD this simple fact should be somehow dehonestována. For an idea of what part of the seven million are: 2012 elections the Social Democrats planned aro 2011 to spend up to 90 million CZK (ODS and Kalouskovci could afford to spend less because the media before the election, aro 2011 they are already aro 2011 in the base tilted, unlike the Social Democrats, the source here.)
But let this babrání facts in court, he is here to present to them preoccupied, even though very often it is not obvious what the facts really are, and that is in the tens of hours of recordings of calls Rath and his colleagues - mostly "about nothing aro 2011 "- that police hold, actually occur. But if i Mf Dnes reporters from the clutches meaningless phrases were able to draw specific conclusions and comments (Yes, my friends. If you live in a country where police wiretapping leak to the newspapers aro 2011 there and live your own life.), Then the court will certainly not a toy.
In the case of David Rath is especially outrageous behavior of the media. aro 2011 As the tabloids, so of course i "serious" living national press after several weeks of what happened DR in custody, and maddeningly repeated tale about a box of wine. Under the influence aro 2011 of this machinery, many began to believe the dogma of the Holy shameless blame Dr. D. Ratha, and began to convince the infidels who had the utter fools, ignorant and stubborn voters Social Democrats. aro 2011 The case Rath cemented fans of almost all forms of Czech so-called right to proclaim his guilt.
Blog Beaty Krušica flytrap is nice for these strange prophets. Man puzzling resemblance to their opinion, whether it is a latent pravdoláskaře, who is glad to turn to another "zkorumpovance" dovařila water, or on a hard Kalouskovce fandícího Israeli government, which takes strict condemnation Ratha as a victory for his political opinion and his acknowledgment accuracy. All of these reactions as a carbon copy connects aridity arguments and stubborn meanness - even before a woman.
Whatever you can think, about a lady who is on her blog fotoprezentuje dreamy expression aro 2011 and a chain with a Star of David around his neck (It is clear to me that this artifact must act on all the pro-Israel focused ferocious, who would most like to alive Ratha tore apart like a red rag to bull.'s like I heard: "This is outrageous, the lady would like to think otherwise ?!"), whatever, I would have definitely never thought a fool just because in my articles aro 2011 is of David Rath. What's aro 2011 more, this lady do not consider it a fool at all. Quite the contrary. I very much appreciate her fight for clean Dr. David Rath. To understand. Honored Beata Krušica certainly not the doctor's platonic lover, or just as I'm not his milca. ODS, CSSD nicely to the David alternated not only in politics. Beata Krušica I probably common that scandal Dr. Ratha not take politically, unlike all those fierce and raging modern "Pragováků" stripped media hysteria.
So my mind can předzaujatost media that let up

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