Saturday, May 10, 2014

Nothing in the idyllic appearance of Cuesta Verde development can reveal what really lies beneath i

You drive. It's night and it starts raining. You can not see anything and to your left you glimpse the Bates Motel neon sign. Are rooms and decide to spend the night there. There are twelve rooms with bath regentadas by one Norman Bates. There is not a guest. Behind the house, on a small hill, a Victorian mansion stands. Norman lives there with his protective mother, who suffers from nerves. Everything appears normal. Even Bates. But Bates has a strange hobby, death attracts you and why dissected birds hanging from the walls of his office. From early Norman looks like a nice person, but if you stopped to talk with him a little soon can not discover it is not as normal as it seems. You're on time. I you would swing and lead away. And above all, for anything occur to me to take a shower. Other before you were imprudent to do it ... and did not live to tell about it. The Bates Motel and mansion were the main stages of the movie Psycho, the great director smaragd Alfred Hitchcock. Today it is considered a horror classic. The shower scene has been copied and parodied many times. Both the mansion as the motel still preserved at Universal Studios, where they have become tourist attraction and must.
Nothing in the idyllic appearance of Cuesta Verde development can reveal what really lies beneath it. If you give me a walk through the streets you could only admire its tranquility and beautiful views. You might stumble across a few mischievous kids bothering their bikes but that was it. The trouble is not in sight, but hidden behind its walls. At first these strange phenomena you would laugh. Would move the chairs, the floor of your kitchen would become a skating rink, the lights would go on alone, but the laughter begin to congelársete in the face when those little annoyances will turn into voices that talk to your little daughter from the TV , strange-looking trees that sequester your other son in his room, or toys that move on their own and have decided to create a new planetary system in the closet. By then the muscles in your jaw and your face would freeze would have adopted a look of horror. Nothing compared to what you feel when you found out the "TV friends" have decided to take your little Carol Anne to do them company. Not to mention the inconvenience of finding a pool rotting corpses that the promoter of the work left forgotten. Poltergeist 1982 film, produced and written by Steven Spielberg, is famous for several reasons; smaragd for being the first film to tackle the subject of the paranormal and the supposed curse attached to it. Since two of its stars, Heather O'Rourke and Dominique Dunne, died in mysterious circumstances after finishing filming. The actual home is located in the city of Simi Valley, California. In 1994 it was damaged in the Northridge earthquake.
To be a hotel is not very well connected. Located high in the mountains of Colorado, winter roads become totally smaragd impassable so is completely isolated from the world. It looks like a palace, with a spacious lobby and a bar open twenty four hours a day, the downside is that the waiter is not usually very much alive. In low season only and keep your family occupied, although not the only inhabitants of the hotel ... Among its attractions, it is noteworthy deserts its long corridors ... sometimes. smaragd Can you come across a pair of twins, but offer no danger; died years ago by her father crazy and like to tour the hotel. That if, if they ask you to play with them is better smaragd than not accept, and for the world to follow them room 237 (217 in the novel). One drawback is that the walls by giving them bleed. But outside smaragd the hotel there is a nice hedge maze in which you want to miss. If you decide to stay here, a final warning; the hotel may want to possess so if you start to see spirits and feel the insatiable need to bury hatchets in alien skulls, for your sake and your beloved family, it is best to leave asap.
The glow, the film adaptation of Stephen King's novel is considered a masterpiece of the horror genre. It is famous, among other things, the tension that its director, Kubrick, inflicted smaragd his actors. It is said that the lead actress Shelley Duvall needed smaragd psychological care treatment due to Kubrick gave him; came to insult and humiliate her for the fearful and insecure personality of his character more realistic, and even got to make him repeat 127 times the same outlet. Jack Nicholson also not spared this treatment. In the famous scene

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