Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The classical model of shoes with this decor looks very playful, while the more stringent shoe tail

Multi-colored brogues Tricker's - Fashion Junkie
The decoration of these shoes are sophisticated combination of colors main structural elements: vamp - white, cape - blue, ankle boots - red and green backdrop - "tan". Laces and holes are made in white, which contrasts beautifully with the color of Berz and rhymes with color uppers being in the composition of the base.
The classical model of shoes with this decor looks very playful, while the more stringent shoe tailor shoe brethren. Therefore it is not surprising that these shoes will be presented only in the Japanese market, in which it is difficult to modern European gentleman, and some dandy from Tokyo - no problem.
2013 "Fashion Junkie". A blog about men's fashion without dividing the high and street. | RSS Red Sneakers" - for all lovers of sneakers and other footwear fashion. When using materials from the site - a hyperlink to reserved.

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