Thursday, September 19, 2013

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Walk around the city and the view from the tallest skyscraper Chicago. View from the Chicago River. Home. Chicago. meet monica velour The architecture and the view from the lake Migichan. Today, meet monica velour a walk along the high-rise downtown and climbed meet monica velour to the highest tower, which offers a magnificent view on all 4 sides of the city and the state. The company assembled. A light breakfast of steak at a restaurant, Michael Jordan and go! On television, national sports: rugby, golf and baseball. Sometimes tennis. Graffiti. The bright sun all day, ogoda great and does not seem to fall. Do not go in, metallic structures are elevated subway. Entrance meet monica velour to the Red Line subway. The station Kirov Plant :)) These leaves are saying that they fall. However, the street 30. Yes, you have all the time to move the blocks of modern buildings, but there is no sense of awkwardness davleyuschey. Breathe freely and easily. As a resort town, chesslovo. Chase Tower. In general, they are at the center of everything Tower. The principle of light. In all skyscrapers should be recognized. It saturates the city. Street names were written before directly on the walls. meet monica velour No piles of plates. Monumental. Public transport. In general, the center is easily permeschatsya foot. Or by taxi. These girls task - to take pictures with the largest meet monica velour number of people for the Sabbath. Russish? Tribute to firefighters. We are on the tower, which is visible from 4 neighboring states of America. Willis Tower - 443 meters, 110 floors. On the elevator raises a few seconds. And the other buildings just seem small. Below - the station and transport interchange, the southern part of Chicago. We go on the lookout in a counterclockwise direction. View of Lake Michigan meet monica velour from the top. That's what street it was necessary to call the Yachting. meet monica velour View to the north. There, between the buildings - Chicago River. These buildings we saw a lake in earlier editions. Hence, they are very small. For bigger highways and interchanges. And the most critical part - a glass floor balcony of the top floor. Directly below us - We are an indoor station on a skyscraper, occupying the 5th place in the world by height. A reference on the wiki, Yesil interesting - D0% A3% D0% B 8% D0% BB% D0% BB% D0% B8% D1% 81 -% D1% 82% D0% B0% D 1% 83% D1% 8D% D1% 80 Now, in one of the 104 elevators of the building is already down. Not bad walked. Fortified!

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