Tuesday, July 1, 2014

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While falling assessing how the advent of the World Cup in the Croatian national team brought in from the back of the domestic economy, especially beverage manufacturers and caterers, fan passion could bring an undesirable effect. It is certain that many of the game Mundijala next day at work to get sleepy, panerai luminor will be late or will skip it.
In comparison, the British company will lose four billion pounds in productivity due to "illness of the World Cup," which workers excuse just to be able to watch your favorite teams clash, according to a survey consulting firm ELAS. Of the 1500 respondents, 13 per cent even admitted that they will tell you that they are sick, while almost half of the annual or sick leave. Of those who come to work, 85 percent of them admitted that they will spend at least 20 minutes a day on social networks and reading the newspaper in order to find out the results.
But do not look at it as all the lost time because worker productivity depends on the positive emotions that will spill over into everyday tasks. In Croatia there is no exact data, but such research is not carried out and no one says Bernard Jakelić the Croatian Employers Association panerai luminor (HUP).
- I do not believe that the World Cup will significantly affect the company, after all, have long been known as being held and companies could organize business - says Jakelić. Mundijal employers could still bring more benefit than harm from the loss in productivity due to sleepy workers, panerai luminor says psychologist Ljubica Uvodic-Vranic. - To provide a maximum at work and in everyday life, we need to have an active vacation and emotionally charging, which is one of the key elements panerai luminor of mental health - says the author panerai luminor of "The Adventure of personal change."
- Football is both a disappointed panerai luminor man without a model identifying the politicians or artists experiencing emotionally charging when Mandzukic scoring because success inspires, and it is clear that the success was hard work and not by fraud and that after him will not Remetinec - says our interlocutor , arguing that companies should capitalize on those emotions and, if the job allows, organize business workers who want it can follow the match.
In Agrokor believe that the championship panerai luminor will not affect productivity. The damage from football does not believe Branko Roglić, panerai luminor owner Orbico. - Workers should be kept satisfied with difficult panerai luminor moments at work to enable him to relax, but I would not let him be late for work - says former junior player of the club.
Agrokor panerai luminor however say that the football was allowed to work provided that it is technologically feasible. From the Atlantic panerai luminor groups point out that the football hard to look only in terms of cost, and the workers only as a means of productivity. "The work and productivity are important, they are the backbone of social growth and development, but life with all its manifestations is far more complex and more important. It is thought that will be taken during the term Mundijala ", says the Atlantic.
Our sick unrealistic fans rose HRV team caused the heavens and the World Cup favorites ... Here's our modest capabilities and retarded and REALITY!! Our heroes are brzoooo ... READY FOR HOME ... juhuhuuuuuuuuuu :)
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