Tuesday, July 1, 2014


We need to make a good amount of quality projects consume resources that we will mainly come from EU funds and not be in a position to depend solely on external factors, the minister said
Coming here, I watched may birthstone the fields may birthstone and crops and saw that the situation here is not so bad compared to other parts of the Croatian. But we can not just look at the sky, but should may birthstone be systematically do whatever it takes - commented about the problems of drought Agriculture Minister Tihomir Jakovina, who participated in the 10th Vozočašću horse-drawn carts and horsemen in the National Shrine of Mary.
Asked about troubleshooting irrigation minister Jakovina answered: - Water supply, drainage, irrigation are important segments in my ministry. Three and a half billion euros to us 2020th may birthstone year will be available, and we have to make a good amount of quality projects, to spend these funds, which we will mainly may birthstone come from EU funds and not be in a position may birthstone to depend solely on external factors. may birthstone Current may birthstone 18,000 hectares of navodnjanja plan by 2020. Was raised to 95,000 acres, plus different insurance system. You must look at systems of other countries.
- In Croatia, the insurance only four percent of agricultural land and production, may birthstone while in Austria, 78 percent in Hungary over 50, and in Slovenia, about 20 percent of insured farmland. In agreement with the insurers may birthstone we will find a good model for all natural disasters. First, the professional services of the Ministry of Agriculture to do your analysis, and then follows an agreement with the insurance companies. The first meeting with the insurers will be held within 15 days - announced by the Minister Jakovina may birthstone in Marija Bistrica.
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