Monday, May 5, 2014

I had no reference for this author, I

Synopsis:. Corre 1946 The war is over and the young American narrator of this novel she has lost her parents. It has also a natural death, lost his uncle Marcel, an extraordinary ray ban usa character who raised ray ban usa her in the love of books. ray ban usa In the small French town where he spent the summers of his childhood, the protagonist must deal with implementing a new library after leaving the hospital, as the German troops destroyed the previous one. And have an opportunity to think about the value of reading and the company who have provided books at the worst times, and even when taking either decision ... His recommendations to the villagers will be a central part of that community. The writers Marcel Proust, Daniel Defoe, Paul Valéry ... and his works are so important in this novel as the characters of flesh and blood with which the young protagonist, ray ban usa many of them under the protective shade called Uncle Marcel relates every day. But this is not only a more or less evocative and full picture of charm of an era and a timeless authors true life is cast into each page to witness a beautiful and raw pursuit of happiness, love and, why not say, survival. To a first-person story is also the story of an era of World War II and the German occupation of France to troubled birth of the state of Israel.
A small pages, but great literature book. A book for lovers of literature, which is not the same as book lovers. In this little gem (there really beautiful paragraphs and dedicated to his uncle are particularly powerful) ray ban usa found a high quality prose with numerous references to great writers and their works and quotations from them. The plot is an excuse to revel in the poetic writing of this author and she is sharing her passion ray ban usa delight: the great authors of literature and their works.
There are probably more than enough to have made one or more arguments longest novels, but this book really can be considered a chapter of the memoirs of Mary Ann Clark Bremer. She began writing his works in the 70s and decided to do so in the form of short novels ray ban usa each constituting a period of his life. This book is the first installment of those memories.
His work has been widely dispersed and the use of pseudonyms has contributed to this dispersion. Peripheral publisher has now started publishing these novels (now available When winter ends) that can be regarded as a genuine relic to be savored like a fine wine or caviar: in small doses. ray ban usa Mary Ann Clark Bremer loved books and that passion reflected in his writing and infects us because we are also lovers of the obscure ray ban usa object of desire: books.
When you finish the book, which is read in one sitting, you're left with the embarrassment of having read something beautiful, yet so brief that is like sand that you slipping through his fingers, enjoying the sensation and shocked by the transience of time.
To me this book left me a little cold. It was written in class, yes, but I do not broadcast what I expected. Beauty a little empty, ray ban usa maybe. By the way, this page conocéos, SOUP BOOKS, where you can rate and review readings? I like a lot. Reply Remove
Gil, I initially had that impression too, until I found out (because I read it without more) that was part of their memories and that they had been published in installments. As a book that feeling is more isolated, but as part of a memoir and gave me another approach. Part of that feeling of coldness guess comes the part where he falls in love, it takes up little ray ban usa space. I did not know the page, thanks for the information. In my favorites that goes ;). A greeting. Remove
I loved its brevity. It leaves you wanting more and that's a virtue. It is also a wonderful tribute to authors I love as Defoe or Proust. A kiss. Visit: Reply Delete
I had no reference for this author, I've known through his blog, and the book has left me with an impression of eerie beauty, which I did not like me at all if empty and filled with an admirable vitality. Literature as almost curative medicine, the love that follows not only the perpetrators but also referred to the book as physical object itself "scratched covers a tattered green, like a velvet ray ban usa often exposed to light. Tapas snuff color. And the coral islands ray ban usa of the Philippines. Tapas color of sunset light in New England, my other summers. Tapas smelling cobalt,


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