Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Victoria team Flamengo famous shoes football Bahia which has the second largest crowd in the No

The Victoria team Flamengo famous shoes football Bahia which has the second largest crowd in the Northeast, famous shoes began the month of July without one of their traditional colors in uniform: red. The reason? The club joined a campaign that aims to educate its fans - and, why not, opponents - to the importance of blood donation.
Called My blood is red and black, the initiative is a partnership with the Blood Center of Bahia (HEMOBA) and invites football fans to donate blood in specialized centers in the state to watch the back of the red stripes on the uniform of the players win.
The idea is that the red color gradually returns to the club shirt, as the number of blood donations grow in HEMOBA. To achieve the greatest possible amount of fans to the initiative, the action is being circulated on the internet and in newspapers, magazines and local TV channels. "Have you ever cried because cheered and celebrated with the Lion.'s Now time to show, stripe by stripe, famous shoes which stamp the red chest is a matter of worthiness," says the ad. Watch below the video of the campaign, famous shoes narrated by actor Wagner Moura, who is supporter of Victory.
The first appearance of the team without the red shirt was on Saturday (01). In the next game at home, what happens in 10/07 the Victoria intends to take the field with a red stripe on the uniform, if HEMOBA register in the coming days, an increase in the number of blood donors in the State. Likes the idea?
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