Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Indeed, as stated in the synopsis:

Original title: The Things They Carried Translator: Elvio E. Gandolfo Pages: mercurial 224 Published: 1990 (1993) Editorial: Anagram Category: Biographies & Memoirs ISBN: 9788433906380 mercurial Synopsis: The survival of a soldier depends on what she wears. In war, the line between life and death is thinner than ever and often supplies, weapons, equipment of a soldier are the only thing that can make the line is not clear. But a soldier also carries his memory, memories, amulets, ghosts of the past, leaving trivial objects not forget that there is another life-life-beyond war will. Soldiers of Alpha Company, mercurial who fought in Vietnam, carrying everything they could. And these men and things are making their appearance in the stories Tim O'Brien tells us also fought in Vietnam. Thus, in Journey to the field, the author, with his daughter, mercurial a girl of nine years, returns to Vietnam to find the place where Kiowa, his best friend died in the Rainy River and tells how, after fleeing to Canada decided to return to his village and agreed to go to war for shame, because he felt that, otherwise, could not stand the looks of the people in this community, for whom a deserter was forever an outcast, a traitor, an eccentric . But this Timmy O'Brien is a fictional character, as fictitious as the splendid Norman Bowker Speaking of courage, back when the people realize that you can just shut up because he can speak only of war and no one wants to mention that .
An excellent book. They are really short stories that make up a novel. mercurial Tim O'Brien through these stories not only builds a story, but also rebuilds mercurial (even re-reconstructed) himself. Write about the experience he had in the Vietnam War serves as a catalyst for channeling emotions that humans are poorly prepared. Write serves to (over) live after the war, when "normal" life has no real reference after having lived a cruel war (as absolutely all wars).
Indeed, as stated in the synopsis: ".. mercurial a soldier's survival depends on what takes ..". But a soldier does not carry only material things. And those other things are what Tim O'Brien plasma with exquisite delicacy and precision of a surgeon. Are your experiences and those men with whom he fought in Vietnam. mercurial Possibly many of the stories he shares with the reader are fiction but based on real events that he has experienced or known by others. mercurial Fact or Fiction .. does not matter, because the emotions reflected in the book are real: fear, shame, cowardice, cruelty, love, tenderness, camaraderie, betrayal ... Maybe Tim O'Brien wrap all that imagined stories, fiction, or perhaps absolutely all real or partially true. But the reader is going to matter little, because mercurial what really matter in the end will be "things worn by the men who fought."
Do not really know why I decided to read this book because the war literature only attracts me promptly. But literature has many aims and objectives and Tim O'Brien is aware of what literature is. I do not regret, I have discovered a recommended outstanding, original, honest, intense and very (but very) book.
David Pérez Vega March 28, 2013
Well I'll wait your comment Meg. You say it's not a genre that particular charm me (although there are good literature too), but do not know what made me read this, the title, the synopsis .. in any case I read it and it is now fixed on the shelf because the time to read it again and again like it. Remove Kisses
"A true war story is never moral. If a story seems moral, do not believe it. Consequently, the first basic rule is that you can tell a true war story by its absolute and uncompromising allegiance to the disgusting and vile. You can tell a true war story if you baffled. In any war story, but especially mercurial in an authentic, is difficult to separate mercurial what happened from what seemed to happen. ". Beautiful and hard definition mercurial that makes us the author of this blow to humanity that we call war, as you well say, and the author is of the same opinion therefore gives these stories (there are several chained) are true or invented . What carried the men who fought: "Almost all loaded with photos, plus fear, impossible to pesar.Todos ghosts wore wore all the baggage of emotions of men who might die.." Again is the voice of Tim O'Brien

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It is the second dressbarn time I mention that I read the book twice. Well, he has his reason, as y

Synopsis: Three Women is an exciting three-voice poem whose central dressbarn theme motherhood. Each voice is a way of living: the woman who crosses their implementation to be mother, who suffers from not being able to be and it is reluctantly. Sylvia conceived this poem, feminist and anti-war, to be read aloud, and in 1962, a year before his death, read it on the BBC. The experience was a turning point in the way they deal with the writing. Since then conceive the poems 'loud', permanently changing his poetic art.
Sylvia dressbarn Plath on my list Writers Unique Challenge was clear in principle that would make a (re) reading The Bell Jar. But the Nordic publisher, bilingual and illustrated edition of Three women is, as it says in the title a monologue dressbarn for three voices, a poem about motherhood got in the way. I did not hesitate. It was a different way of approaching Plath, beyond its famous bell, especially since Sylvia was primarily a poet.
Once read and even reread (now explain why) and when thinking about how to comment on this book I must say I've come to quite demoralized keyboard. No, you have not been reading. It was because I suddenly had to face the reality that I was going to find: reviews saying that "poetry is not my thing", "poetry is not a genre that read", "poetry and I are incompatible" "I never read poetry" ... Defeated beforehand to made a list of arguments to try to convince you that you should not reject all poetry and a stroke and this book in particular, small, few pages, bilingual dressbarn and illustrated.
But in the end I said why? Why? I do not know if in dismay, but with conviction, you decided that I should try to convince those who are already convinced that poetry is not your thing. Everyone has their arguments, their reasons, their comments, dressbarn their approach to the books and the readings. So with respect for all that, step on her toes.
It is also true that poetry is perhaps the most personal and intimate genre, and even more difficult to move to a comment from readings. It is also the most beautiful literary genre, it must be said, not in vain when we like paragraphs dressbarn or reading descriptions usually refer to the poetic style of the author to express that what makes a delicate and beautiful shape. And possibly dressbarn metaphorical. Poetry as a distorted image of what you want to say, play on words and pictures, impossible and possible rhymes, what is said and what is sensed, what is not said but want to say and play back with the words with visual dressbarn images and causing emotions waking. When the literature is magic, we call poetry.
I'm then heading to a) they like poetry, b) or whether they like or dislike but do not reject dressbarn it, c) want to meet Sylvia Plath poet, d) want to know more about Sylvia Plath person e) inveterate readers who yet dare f) who read my long comments talk about what you talk (brave! should reward your patience with me).
In any case, everyone lost care: I will not comment much the book itself (though I never do). Beyond each with maternity, you might say. But I would say by chinchar because it's not that, it's just probably Sylvia Plath wrote poems that be (poetry) will not be read and perhaps in this case illustrations Anuska Allepuz not help much. A children's illustrations and I have not managed to connect with this poem for three voices. And I've tried, because I read the book twice, but the artwork and remirado've looked several times and have not earned enough to link them to read, without further removed me that feeling of illustration for children ...
It is the second dressbarn time I mention that I read the book twice. Well, he has his reason, as you said Sylvia Plath synopsis conceived this poem to read aloud. So the first time I read the classic dressbarn style: quiet and withdrawn. And the second I did as it was intended: aloud. That is not easy, I have to say, because I needed to be alone to think I'm not like a goat (I'm not going to cheat: who thinks dressbarn there are). Once the experiment I have to say that, indeed, feel and even reading is different. dressbarn Something that had already proven once that I read aloud to someone, but I had never tried poetry. Curious. I would add that a poem is read again, because each reading I found something different.
What is Three women? A poem, three voices, a writer. A writer

Shortly after the wedding, the family moved to New York in search of fortune and after opening cher

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Shortly after the wedding, the family moved to New York in search of fortune and after opening cheryl cole shoes a grocery, the business opportunity he had been seeking appeared before him with the name of Joice Heth.
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From there our skillful trickster sought to exploit the very idea of deception and illusion: the important thing was to sell a product most sensational way possible, for it had to find the right audience and a successful location and found in Scudder's American Museum of Broadway he renamed the Barnum Museum.
Soon the Barnum Museum became a reference for anyone who wants to see a "different" show: bearded ladies, fleas and domesticated dogs, Siamese, albinos, incredibly obese, ventriloquists, African American performing war dances, dioramas , shows birds, aquatic creatures and even mermaids! Everything that one could imagine could be seen at the Museum "at 25 cents per entry for adults and children half price." cheryl cole shoes Of course cheryl cole shoes nothing was real, it was all visual tricks, costumed animals and made-up people. In the real world Barnum was not important, but what the public wanted cheryl cole shoes to see and hear. The initial investment of the entrepreneur, mortgaging all his property was recovered in just one year.
Of all the attractions like as much as any of General Tom Thumbs, a little man with 64 cm high and about 8 kilos. With the hiring of Charles Stratton, Barnum made millions. The small overall toured not only the U.S. but Europe delighting Victorian society of half the world, including kings and aristocrats, with their performances, dances and songs.
Without neglecting their fraud and deceit, Barnum also tried to become a serious entrepreneur and did introduced in the world of music featuring American society to the "Swedish Nightingale" Jenny Lind, a great singer who triumphed in Europe and that hired exclusively for America by an unthinkable amount for that time.
But easy money is going with the same facility that comes despite winning huge amounts of money, Barnum was ruined several times by fire. Up to five times the fire brought ruin, but each recovered.
Last genius was to move the museum to a living and traveling show as was the circus. Again your marketing ideas

Monday, April 28, 2014

I admire the intelligence and sensitivity above all things. That

When we raised the Challenge Unique Writers, both Marilú as Meg like myself, we knew that we wanted to know not only the work of these writers, but also learn more about their lives, fascinating in most cases and help also understand mercurial his literary legacy. That's why every month we let a touch of the biography of one of the authors of our lists. I have chosen to Sylvia Plath for several reasons, one of which will soon (February 11, is the anniversary of his death).
Sylvia Plath (Boston, USA, 1932-1963) is mainly known in Spain for his novel "The mercurial Bell Jar" (who wrote under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas, with clear autobiographical overtones). He also wrote some stories and essays. But Sylvia Plath was, above all, a poet.
He wrote his first poem with eight years in the same year that his father died (1940), being in charge of his mother, an overbearing woman who beat their children as a vital objective perfectionism. His first suicide attempt had him at age 19 (which tells in "The mercurial Bell Jar"), taking up to 50 tranquilizers, which led him to enter a mental institution, where seemed to recover to the point of getting a degree in University Smith College. Of course I have to mention that by the time this type of psychiatric institutions used the method of cure electroschok as (I is reflected in "The Bell Jar), which as of today puts the willies. mercurial
He won a scholarship that took her to the University of Cambridge, where he met the poet Ted Hughes, with whom he would marry 1956 (honeymoon mercurial was spent ... in Benidorm!). After several twists mercurial and turns, finally established in Devon (England), where he published his first collection of poetry in 1960. Sylvia in 1961 has a miscarriage in her second pregnancy, some of his later poems refer to this event. In 1962 he separated from her husband, some say he's infidelity with the poet Aessia Wewill (who also committed suicide, and just as Sylvia Plath), and who says it was the sister of Ted Hughes ( Olwyn) that malmetió hard and well in marriage. Probably a mixture of both, plus the difficult combination of jealousy, infidelity, low self esteem, shyness and insecurity.
Sylvia returns mercurial to London with her two children (Frieda and Nicholas, who committed suicide in 2009, as a result of a severe depression) mercurial and rent a flat where they had lived WB Yeats, thinking it would be a good omen. The February 11, 1963 Sylvia mercurial Plath (depressed and ruined) closes the doors of all the rooms in the house, placing wet towels on the doors to make sure their children did not run any danger, it takes several sleeping pills, leave a note with your phone by your doctor, is enclosed in the kitchen, opened the oven, put the head in and turn on the gas. Financial
Later her widower, Ted Hughes, would be responsible for staff and literary legacy of Sylvia Plath, and publish mercurial their manuscripts, but will destroy the last volume of the journal Plath, one in which he spoke (oh, coincidence!) Time both were together. Widower have accused him of manipulating and use to their advantage the publications of the work of Sylvia Plath. Attacked on several fronts, have been accused of Sylvia suicide, the truth is that this admired and respected (at least as a poet), even after the divorce, but also congratulated herself not to be subjected to its influence as poet. There is much information on how torrid Ted Hughes managed the legacy of Sylvia and confrontations he has had, mainly feminists mercurial have been made strong accusations.
The story of Sylvia Plath's life is sordid, and when you read here and there, you can not help but feel a slight sadness, an uneasiness installed somewhere inside. How was Sylvia Plath? What led her to commit suicide? Does your divorce? Your insecurity?. mercurial It is true that since girl was insecure, weak and very smart. And I called my attention just this, that high intelligence is linked to sensitivity, fragility and insecurity can be an emotional cocktail of unpredictable consequences, are at least elements that point to have a troubled life.
I admire the intelligence and sensitivity above all things. That's why I decided to unravel how Sylvia Plath felt and thought through his work. In my sights mercurial are specifically mercurial "The Bell Jar" and "Three Women". Is precisely this last book, a small and beautiful illustrated bilingual edition of the Nordic and publisher with whom I initiate the Challenge Escrit

Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Severa A. Hitchcock AI Bezzerides Medvedkin head porter A. A. A. Rothstein A. Monterroso Tabucchi

Don Quixote is like one of those village head porter houses head porter with doors always open, where one can enter at any time with confidence. Enter, for example, through the kitchen. Or go up to the attic where we might bump into with images lost or forgotten stories. And it costs nothing to imagine Cervantes writing in one of those houses, with humor who enjoys the job of sheltering the reader's imagination and even give her wings, leaving a loose thread to pull the basting or pespuntar theories. As it Arreola (your personal Confabulario, the last book I took me a euro-per-job of Camborio):
Theory head porter DULCINEA In a lonely place whose name is irrelevant was a man who lives elude particular woman was passed. He preferred the manual enjoyment of reading, and effectively he welcomed every time a knight lunged thoroughly one of those vague female ghosts made of virtues and overlapping skirts, awaiting the hero after four hundred pages of lies, lies and nonsense. On the threshold of old age, a woman of flesh laid siege to the hermit in his cave. With any pretext entered the room and filled him with a strong smell of sweat and wool young peasant woman warmed by the sun. The gentleman lost his head, but far from the trap before him, he threw towards through pages and pages of a pompous head porter fantasy monster. He walked many leagues, he speared lambs and mills, desbarbó a few oaks and took three or four capers in the air. On return from the fruitless search, death awaited him at the door of his house. Only had time to give a cavernous head porter will, from the bottom of his parched soul. But a dusty face shepherdess head porter washed with real tears, and had a useless flash at the tomb of the demented gentleman. (The illustration, ink washing Picasso, 1955.)
2014 (34) April (8) Emergency April 25 Theories Loft Story, stories Chau, Gabo Clouds raw Soul Is there lions in Brazil? March (6) February (8) January (12) 2013 (149) December (13) December (10) October (14) September (11) August (12) July (14) June (12) May (16) April (14) March (10) February (10) December (13) 2012 (146) December (14) December (14) October (13) October (10) August (12) July (11) June (12) May (15) April (10) March (7) February (11) December (17) 2011 (142) January (14) December (13) October (14) September (16) August (10) July (9) June (6) May (7) April (9) March (18) February (10) December (16) 2010 (187) December (14) December (16) October (13) September head porter (10) August (7) July (14) June (16) May (23) April (17) March (18) February (18) December (21) 2009 (225) December (16) December (16) October (20) October (21) August (10) July (8) June (20) May (22) April (22) March (29) February (28) December (13)
A Severa A. Hitchcock AI Bezzerides Medvedkin head porter A. A. A. Rothstein A. Monterroso Tabucchi A. Tanner Aaron Sorkin Abbas Kiarostami Abel Ferrara Abdul Hadi Sadoun Abel Gance Abraham Polonsky Acacio de Almeida Adam Zagajewski Adela Adelaida García Morales Somoza Adorno Adolph Green Adrian Martin Adrian Tomine head porter Adrienne Monnier Aeneas Mackenzie Age Agnes Varda Agnès Godard Agustín Casasola Agustín Fernández Mallo Agustín García Calvo Agustín head porter Sánchez Vidal Agustín Jiménez Aki Kaurismaki Akira Kurosawa Al Ruban Bergala Alain Resnais Alan Berliner Alan Ayckbourn Alan Le May Alan Schneider Albert Camus Albert Albert Lamorisse Albert Duverger Alberto Manguel Alberto Morais Simonin Alberto Rodríguez Albin Grau Aldo Beltrame Alec Coppel head porter Pizarnik Alejandro González Iñárritu Alejandro Dumas Alexander Rossi Aleksandr Aleksandr Sokurov Alessandro Baricco Rzheshevski head porter Alexander Korda Alexander Mackendrick Alexander Payne Alfonso Alfonso Alfonso Sánchez Meléndez head porter Alfonso Zapico Alfred Döblin Alfred Stieglitz Alfred Hayes Alice Munro Alice in cities

Monday, April 21, 2014

Latest News

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Latest News> - Mies Container is the name of a unique takko fashion restaurant that is now being loved by the Eve in South Korea. The decor of this restaurant even makes customers feel were inside a factory. The restaurant is located in the Gangnam district - one of the most hip location in Seoul - dubbed Hooters for Women. The atmosphere is very different from the Mies Container restaurant in general, which always seemed calm and comfortable. Here, the waiters are all male, factory worker uniform complete with helmet - commonly used in construction sites. Customers takko fashion can even hear the cries of the waiters that reverberated throughout the room, full of empty drums. This restaurant, as reported by CNN, has an open loft structure, and has the slogan "Wipe, Tighten and Oil" written in Korean on the walls of the restaurant. In addition, most of the customers who come here are women. This is because all the male waiters who worked at this restaurant has a charming appearance and still young. So, do not be surprised if eventually it became a hit among Korean women.
Photo by Botalu Interior Mies Container other than normal apparently won the reddot Design Award, which is one of the most prestigious design awards in the world, last October. Because it is almost impossible to find a restaurant that serves delicious food at affordable prices in Gangnam, the popularity of Mies Container immediately spread throughout Korea.
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Jakarta - Image sexy is always inherent in Clara. More recently, actress drama

Jakarta - Image sexy is always inherent in Clara. More recently, actress drama 'Emergency Couple' that exist in a magazine photo shoot famous in Korea. Clara brought the concept of sporty and sexy in a photo shoot with High Cut magazine. Though sporty, the artist who has appeared in a variety show SNL Korea was still showing her feminine side. Wearing wegdes, Clara performed with a ponytail and stylish with a skateboard. Tops sleeveless urban shop shirts with cast parachute jacket makes it even more beautiful. In the second photo, the girl's real name Lee Sung Min was seen wearing a bathing suit. He completed his performance with a jacket and baseball uniforms, plus high white boots. Clara is still busy with the filming of drama 'Emergency Couple' with Song Ji Hyo and Choi Jin Hyuk. In the near future, he will star in the big screen movie titled 'Working Girl'. (Ron / MMU)
Title: Clara Stylish Sporty urban shop and Sexy Photo Shoot for Magazine Description: Jakarta - Image sexy is always inherent in Clara. More recently, actress drama 'Emergency Couple' exists dal ... Rating: 5

Sunday, April 20, 2014

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FRANZ-Peter-van Elst Tebartz, reportedly has been fired from his profession as a priest who served in Limburg, Germany. He chose to resign for allegedly spent 31 million euros, or around Rp 490 billion, only to renovate his private home.
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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Shock Into Style With Lazada??? | Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. I confess veils I w

Shock Into Style With Lazada??? | Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. I confess veils I was not clever style. Clothing I to class until the day ni still another shirt I high school age brackets first. Tshirt long sleeve is the same. Wear can join the program free cause. Bertompok dah-tompok else I je slaughter. Phone care. It's seldom I women's fashion shopping ni. Student again hoi. RM10-made jam was pedehal. I very rarely siyesli son lamented. Because tu nganjing always hit with my friends. Principle I, went shopping malls, buy one item, then return. Dah so one kind of ego within dah aware that I need to change. I've got to change! I'm going to the teacher. Kah3 To evoke a sense for bershopping, I imagine I'm in a situation I would choose all that wear out first meeting with a prospective husband. Eceyhh. It should be all classy but simple, from head to toe.So what's more, Lazada be where I entertain the eye. Add-plus, je launch new Lazada Muslim Women Wear. Perghhh! Glazed eyes. : 3 Jom look at what I select from Lazada ni. Sape gelakkan me this option, I sekeh. Lalalala
Elegant! veils It is just the word to describe this watch. Beautiful tu dah overdose. Graceful. Femaleness. If there are not ya ok couple. Where the cool crate? I'm melting ya. : ')
Pulak ring that I choose colorful. I always think of rareness is special. Why the same kid with someone else? Quaint oak? Pe ittew care. Ittew like. Let la. Hahaha
By the way, I was being indecisive husband can foot shopping. Urghhh! Saturated. Swollen veils feet later. But I do not worry dah dah now know now that all goods be bought online dah. Yeayy!!! In case tu man I love shopping, I bawak gi laptop living room, closed tv, web Bukak Lazada, then it's shopping time!! Seriously, dah online shopping for me not to worry anymore. Agagaga: D
Aniq Bukhary March 20, 2014 at 11:59 AM
hahahaha .. je tu .. menggedik saje .. wakakaka Delete
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Friday, April 18, 2014


European-style two-Mobile Alcatel Present in Indonesia - U.S.
Alcatel One Touch Mini Idol and Idol X (headline / Amal Nur Ngazis)
Headline - There is no sugar ants. The growth of smart phones is growing rapidly made vendors from France, Alcatel, re-enliven the mobile market exchanges in the country. Nokia today released its flagship line of mobile phones One Touch: Idol Idol X and Mini. With two phones, the LG wants brought the concept of mobile phones with different quality standards. "That is the number jordan heels one European quality standards, smart phones are really smart with a reasonable jordan heels price," said Albert Wong, Executive Vice President & General Manager jordan heels for Asia Pacific Alcatel, after the launch of FX Mall, Senayan, Jakarta. Vendors are present jordan heels in Indonesia since the past 4-5 years, Wong said, always brings a fashionable concept fit the profile of French as a world fashion capital. "Our phone meets European standards. To be able to pass in Europe, the product has been certified reliable mobile phone products," added Handi Satria, Product Manager Nokia Indonesia, on the same occasion. Handi explained, reliable quality European standard attached to a Motorola phone that is water resistance. "Furthermore, the software jordan heels on the phone already jordan heels undergone 200 test modules," he said. That's not enough, LG mobile phones has been adapted and tested with a 1 Ghz processor. jordan heels The goal, to ensure satisfactory performance of the phone while running the application. "We test the processor is capable of running one and two applications," he said. Idol X Idol X Series comes with a 5-inch IPS display with full HD resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. One of the flagship features is a 13.1 MP camera jordan heels with auto-focus and LED flash, plus a front camera 2 MP Full-HD. Idol X also brought the concept of a simple cell phone. Light weight, only 120 grams with a thickness of 0.7 cm. To support the performance, behind the scenes, Idol X armed MTK processor quad-core 1.5 GHz, RAM 2 GB, the following operating system Android Jelly Bean. Idol X is equipped with microUSB 2.0 slot, Bluetooth 4.0 A2DP for connectivity. As for storage space, available internal memory of 8 GB for single-SIM and 6 GB for dual SIM. Storage can also be expanded up to 32 GB. To support the Performance, jordan heels Idol X is equipped with 2000 mAh battery, which is claimed to serve up to 12 hours of online time. The performance of this mobile phone are represented jordan heels from the wireless access capability which is claimed to serve up to 42 Mbps downlink and 11 Mbps uplink. Idol Idol Series Mini Mini comes with a 4.3-inch landscape display FWVGA 480x845 pixel resolution IPS, 5 MP camera with auto-focus and LED flash light, with supporting VGA camera. Phones that run Android Jelly Bean is also the concept jordan heels is simple. He weighs only 96 grams with a thickness of 0.8 cm. MTK dual-core processor 2.3 GHz and 512 MB RAM ensure maximum mobile performance. Idol Mini is equipped with microUSB 2.0, Bluetooth 4.0 as well as 8 GB of internal jordan heels storage, which can be added 6 GB again. Mini Idol downlink capability is claimed to achieve 21 Mbps and 5.76 Mbps uplink achieve. As a supporter of performance, work mamasok 1700 mAh battery power, which can last up to seven hours to access the data. Although European standards, both phones do not support the LTE network. Alcatel jordan heels reasoned, fast Internet access network in Indonesia was not ready. For the official price, Alcatel provide an affordable price. X priced at Rp 3 Idol, Idol Mini 999 million and R1, 888 million.
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Thursday, April 17, 2014


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Actor rising, Anzalna Nasir seen very good match menyuai fashionable and often bright colors that look tired. Let's, look at the fashion western movies choices of these actors are pretty sweet.
1. Wanista love fashion western movies set Anzalna imposing black and white color cream, dress knee level there seems very elegant western movies floral motif is matched with high heels white color cream. Not forgetting the Mulberry western movies handbag.
2. Graceful once Anzalna wear hijab. I hope this continues! Blue color contrast with hot pink color looks very class and interesting. Maybe you can try to wear a patterned scarf that looks fresh and youthful look.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Top Posts

PRK Kajang: Victory PKR Not Stylish - Nanyang Siang Pau | AIDC
PRESS Nanyang fredricks Siang Pau dated March 26, 2014 published an article on the success of the People's Justice Party (PKR) to defend fredricks the seat Legislative Assembly (DUN) Kajang with a lower majority 5,379 votes compared to 6,824 in the general election of the 13th.
Following PRK, which was held after the party's elected representatives willfully vacate his seat, the author personally fredricks thought victory should not be treated as such actions are stupid and do not pay any interest.
BN already know that they can not take the seat Kajang, moreover fredricks when the way the government handles many criticized MH370 tragedy. Actually BN lost all at Kajang Assembly PRK. From the outset BN already won when Anwar not be contested.
MCA election strategy too loose and no new ideas. Although Wan Azizah said the majority of the decline, it is not the result of merit party, but because many people do not go out to vote - The Star
In PRK paddocks first Pauh, Anwar won big but this time fell mejority.Itu PKR Anwar was lucky not to compete, Wan Azizah yg sad-faced with tears streaming, many sympathy votes Melayu.Kalau contestant Anwar, no vote sympathy, existing only vote 'go off'. Behavior Anwar is antagonize voters, coupled when none of what the janjikannya come true, but her personal problems the pot infinite loop ..
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014


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Do not Miss Movie Review of Science Fiction 'Transcendence' - 4 Stars 10 Sector Employment Highest-Paid Salary In Malaysia Skinny VS Curvy. You Which One? Unique Baby Camel at Zoo Makes First Appearance Many Indonesian Election Candidates toung Depressed, Lost Cause Suicide divorced Women Just Because Jobstreet Survey Trivia: Is Wage New Graduates Working Too Low In Malaysia? "Twin Land ': Fury Nazi, Twin City's booster, largely in the World Population toung Jimmy Choo Launches Pre-Fall 2014 Collection 6 Unique Specialties Friends Online! Create Volvo Child Car Seat Portable 5 Things To Do Before Starting Work Woman Eating Banana Seeds 51 Day To Stay Thin & Slim Wardina Safiyyah Critics Ustaz Don Daniyal on Facebook Children 6 Years Not Abused My Father [Video Kpop] Singer Miss A Suzy Falling In Time For Performance Stage Ladders
Stay stylish toung and fashionable while traveling or on vacation might be considered tedious and hard to achieve, but 7 celebrities prove the opposite. It's time for you to experiment with fashion has never been tried before, especially if you are visiting a country with a different climate and culture of Malaysia.
Simple, classy and chic are three words that can define Alphard in fashionable style, even while on vacation. We love the stiletto heel boots (pictured right) was wearing. Of course the Christian Louboutin!
Sunglasses are an accessory that can accentuate the appearance of instant overnight. Round glasses retro classic look is not it? We were pretty impressed with the black lace dress paired with white trench coat styled Nabila.
Accessories such as hats and scarves also can help boost our style. Just look at the style Naminara Tasha Shilla, Korea. We also love the bright coat color selection, look young and vibrant. Oh, and the size of the Chanel bag that held Tasha also quite perfect, there are some things that need to be brought together on the road and bags that are too small may be so 'decorations' only later.
Style while traveling is not limited to only fashion pants. For those who prefer toung a feminine appearance, you can be fashionable with a dress or skirt. toung Not for separation with high heels? Boots of the wedge may be possible alternatives.
anzalna anzalna nasir holiday traveling artists and artist fashion fashion fashion Fashion Emma Maembong nabila huda Alphard fashion fashion fashion Scha Alyahya Tasha shila Want Stylish Seiko Celebrities toung When Travelling? These 7 Celebrity Fashion Inspiration Malaysia nur Alphard Scha Alyahya toung Tasha shila fashion tips when traveling travel travel with style
Pink fashion tgk YUS want while on vacation ..

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Monday, April 14, 2014

10 Wedding Color Themes That Never Boring! Second 60 s fashion Hand Furniture Idea # 2: Passing com

If you're Carrying high
Maybe this idea could be for a little inspiration for your still looking for that perfect shirt want to wear this pregnant moment - like me! But if you can do a very tight near the stomach, fear of the pain points or so focused pulak. Huhuhu! Like I honestly did not have much more great clothes that fit, so I will recycle shirts available, usually 60 s fashion t-shirt, top, who otometik constricted near the stomach because the stomach is not flat already kannnnnn .. sobs! I will cover the cardigan. 60 s fashion So I stand abdomen melampau2 two kinds Picha that last.
Pulak wear palazzo pants or lycra skirt, meaning JAP want've already skinny. But I have two pieces 60 s fashion that fit skinny stomach to stomach even grow (indeed a special purchase for pregnant). But make sure, wear a shirt or blouse with skinny that! Mix and match. To buy pregnant I'm not interested in football, 60 s fashion so dress is the answer. Most importantly do not look too shabby ye darlings!
Now I go if my office, we have to be all out as much as possible. Private right, ahkak-ahkak the age've seen a lot is still fashionable. Huhuhu! But if a Friday, casual wear, because the stomach is already visible wear top g streets. The male to female to tease me like very much. Cute supposedly. Patrimonio ye as much.
anariffin said ...
Hi Saila .. hati2 choose football. sheila prefer to find shirts that are nursing pregnant once. happy sket kat public want to breastfeed. hehee ... new born clothes 60 s fashion do not buy a lot of tau. 5 pairs about orait la. great fast baby! sheila suggest to buy size 3 & 6 months 60 s fashion on sket more. can be applied for long. hihiiii ~ ~ ~ April 2, 2014 at 11:44 AM
Dayak linda de sekrang matchkan problems nk nk xtau wear clothes .. BJU pe. Last2 talk with husbnd, "lazy la nk probe" .. hewhewhew, about BJU even further probe xde mood nk April 4, 2014 at 11:10 PM
No need to buy clothes ngandung Saila. I was later adopted. Buy 3 pieces for him, no blouse je even wear a big reason sgt. Perot big for him, so I cam je weird look. Wear peplum fit for him, for him, was about to je to wear maternity clothes that ade tshirt :) April 5, 2014 at 8:13 PM
Norman Nursaila Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's richest woman in the world. Rich in love of man called husband. Want to continue to be rich forever. Near here you can not see my wealth. Here the place to share all, even if you do not like. View my complete profile
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3. CPI Astor another 125 motor that discussed earlier, this bike is more inclined to a modern style

Indonesia's current trend of vintage-style motorcycle ashley stewart modification is growing, with many communities represented motorcycle club which was originally the Honda CB series, the virus was infectious and it is acute, motors today sort of Honda Tiger, Honda Megapro, Suzuki ashley stewart Thunder, Honda GL series, Yamaha Scorpio, Kawasaki Ninja Bajaj Pulsar 250 was even heavily modified motors in tempoe doeloe style, the reference ashley stewart does much to Honda CB-style modifications, spare parts replica / kw Honda CB too many variations of the motor beterbaran dilapak2 sellers, first tank of the Honda CB125 Twin , until Honda Dream CB200-305 exists. ashley stewart
to the manufacturer still does seem cool and calm, yes except ashley stewart that just now launching Kawasaki Kawasaki Estrella 250 but look at the spec and the price is still as overpret, 65jt, 250cc 19dk: lol:, I wonder why this genre of vintage less desirable when the manufacturer and the community there are many, I do not know maybe fore there is a local motor manufacturer china or motors ashley stewart that can accommodate produk2 tp vintage style with the latest technology.
cc which unnecessarily big for motor2 vintage-style, 125-150cc ashley stewart important enough that classical style of his vintage dapet, here are some European motor manufacturers, who keluarin ashley stewart motor2 air-cc small but with a very vintage style, to the machine anyway rata2 jg made in china that later in the rebrand, suitable for those who are looking for inspiration or bored with the style-cb cb motor modifications this time: D
1. Mash Seventy-Five Motor's 125 favorite sy, modern classic feel thanks to its dapet Shockbreaker application asep down in front, installation of front disc brakes rear wheels though his fingers still, any model disguised rear disc brake drum conditioning, alloy its color was beautiful, only 125 motor with a carburetor, the output power on approximately 11.6 HP, its pretty wide tires 110/70-17 front and 130/70-17 for the rear, the exhaust ashley stewart was also a classic style ready to be invited jamming blarrr. : Mrgreen:
2. Hanway Raw 125b not like Mash Seventy-Five, for RAW 125, the model is also distinguished vintage but with a simpler composition, Shockbreaker conventional, rear brake drum jg still, its engine ashley stewart power output is only 10 HP, which is quite typical is the use of tire slightly different because of wear ring 18, 90/90-18 front and 110/80-16 ring 16 behind.
3. CPI Astor another 125 motor that discussed earlier, this bike is more inclined to a modern style cafe racer, either use the same machine to know how, a clear specification and the output power of the motor is the same as Raw Hanway 125, although the outward appearance is different, similar Honda CG platform with external display if diliat his machine, the machine actually be cool if tinged with dark colors let his ferocious ashley stewart impression there, if so it felt really motcin haha, asep down front shock jg less fierce because of that small size, rear shock has been the adoption of the type of gas, his seat was typical wasp tail style cafe racer.
Overseas Motorcycles CB 125 Twin, CB200, Hanway, Hanway ashley stewart Raw 125b, Honda CB, Honda Dream 305, launching smash titan, Mash, honda cb modification, modification motorcycle, classic motorcycle, honda cb tank, vintage
Salma Bapak'e March 25, 2014 at 2:53 pm
greetings round rubber
Why do some meditation of Indonesia guns like this idea huh? Make indo company that makes clones of vintage motorcycle motorcycle legend ... for example make a clone CB200 so: mrgreen:
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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Anwar Causes Water In Selangor rationed? comme il faut - The evidence is clear Dah?

NON-OFFICIAL overall results for PRK N.51 Balingian: BN - 8,208 (84.77%) PKR - 1,282 (13:24%) majority BN - 6,926 (71.53%) hoped to support both sides of the support and respect the decision given by the people of Balingian. Stop the stupid provocation comme il faut and blame others, especially comme il faut the opposition brightly lit fool of rural people comme il faut who supposedly backward and uneducated. If voters to judge the opposition's claim said they fired realize the appearance of such a being deceived by the opposition leader today who practice comme il faut nepotism in the upcoming PKR. The husband comme il faut versus Siisteri .. apakejadahnya?! Ha ha ha've lost the instructions protest Balingian .. Prison 5 years so remember aljuburi oi .... Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry smartphone
YB Emy Coat Leadership Integrity
The master Kuale
River Rally Online
Drain Buntar Rebels
Boy Sri Kinta
Moh Kite overboard comme il faut
Apple Blue
7 hours ago
Malay warrior
Breast comme il faut Impalan overwhelmed Switches
1 day ago
Oh Si LunCAi
Anwar Causes Water In Selangor rationed? comme il faut - The evidence is clear Dah?
6 days ago
E to the M to the P to the T to the Y
4 weeks ago
KHALID comme il faut IBRAHIM PKR Waste Reveals RM22 MILLION PEOPLE PAY MONEY cronies
3 months ago
Disappointed! The whereabouts of the student voice? # # TFOurHope @ NajibRazak TF4MT @ KhairyKJ
8 months comme il faut ago
said sifooden
When ..
Kedah to KL
@ MYrapidKL: Monorail Will Be Back in Operation 6:00 am Tomorrow
10 hours ago
taipanmaster the people stone
KARIM ROSES act .., Blouse Fareeda TO boycotted.
5 days ago
Combat Pearl
MAS flight MH370 Missing
2 months ago
det teacher comme il faut blogger
Happy Eid from Wan Hisham Blography
1 year ago
Astaghfirullah! TEENAGE 15 YEARS REAL "touched" 6 MAN, FATHER claimed raped!
2014 (349) April 2014 (38) March 2014 (88) # MH370: Just musing Simple Techniques Solve Road Issues comme il faut Hole In ... Ramesh comme il faut Rao Advise Carpal occur Fair at the People ... Old Malay leaders Makin fools! Cuba Direct comme il faut RBA Lagakan Muslims! @ Najibrazak: Mak Tibai later on CNN # makjemah @ tunfaisal @ zaini_saiful: Incident Response Products N. .. # MH370: Crocodile Shaman penah Keep Wan Azizah?! Bus Ticket Seller Ekpress hem Money Passengers?! ... "The chicken pension 'So" vampire "# GAD @ tunfaisal ... # PRKbalingian: BN Won Stylish Anwar Show Pro ... Motion Dropping DS Najib? # MH370: Opposition MP Affordable Search Aircraft Wrecks ... # MH370 Mak Paste Keyboard Warrior Sound in the future?! # M ... # MH370: Opposition To Know The Secrets Of Government Sor ... # MH370: Govt shaman Service VERA 1200 Islamic fighter Anwa Be Punished where voice ... China too Reckless instigate a Boycott on Malaysia ... @ H2OComms comme il faut @ najibrazak Malaysians ... Disgusting Report 1Kuale Program Postponed! # # PrayforMH370 # MH370 MH370 manipulated Be Political Tool?! Fire Stone Creations Jewish CNN # # MH370 BoycottCNN # Pr ... decrees of the Regent of Perak # # prayformh370 New MH370 MH370 Path Location?! # # Prayformh370 Let MH370 White Bone, White Eyes Do not! PRKKajang PRKKajang # # # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang : Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang comme il faut # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own ... # PRKKajang # PRKN25Kajang: Rate My Own .. . # # PRKN25Kajang PRKKajang: Rate My Own ... PKR Coming Wins Easily?! comme il faut # # KajangMove PRKN25Kajang ... Ladies and Putrajaya Perdana Peace ... Amazing # cells provoked a prospective occurred in Kajang comme il faut # ... # PRKN25Kajang Corruption prkn25kaja BN? # # MH370 KajangMove comme il faut What "truth" Do You Want? # MH370 Anwar Make Comparison Wrong?! Nazri Aziz slandered by the Opposition?! Some attempt Destroy Each Other Islamic Unity?! Why Support Chew Mei Fun? PRKN25Kajang PRKKaja # # ... # MH370: Azizah Ahmad Shah Identify Zaharie Captain - ... Zaharie Connections Beyond the Ordinary Anwar?! Preserved Hits "Penampar" In Parliament [video] # MH3 MH370 Immediate Family ... Captain Anwar Ibrahim?! # MH ... RBA Direct Contempt of Religion Pilot Program MH370 Anti-Government?! # # MH370 Video prayformh370 Wan Azizah Pelekeh Business Mission # MH370 MH370 MH370 Issue # ... Lost: Full Speech DS Najib # MH370 Taib Not Eligible Critics Admit He Najib Anwar VIP Invite shaman?! # Prkkajan ... Manifestor BN PRK Kajang prkkajang 2014 # # Aware kajangmo ... The Kajang Wan Azizah Why?! # Prkkaj

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Thus if we look at the enthusiasm john fluevog for campaigning and personal factors very convincing

Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates fight for Yussibnosh Bin Balo optimistic of winning the election (CRM) being held in the constituency where N.51 Balingian today he opposes the People's Alliance candidate Abdul Jalil Bin Single of the People's Justice Party (PKR) and thereby maintaining the present government under the leadership of the National Front government.
Yussibnosh 48, which is very much known by the voters and is a candidate BN locals who hails from Kampung Tellian and highly respected. He has a personality that is so humble and has already been seen to bring development to the constituency Balingian john fluevog through experience and his relationship with area residents N.51 Balingian later.
Thus if we look at the enthusiasm john fluevog for campaigning and personal factors very convincing voters john fluevog in N.51 Balingian that if he would fight for the welfare and local development in the continuing john fluevog trust given by the voters.
Iban support as well as her own growing originated from the Iban tribe. The majority of BN leaders and the UN appears to have been felt directly by the voters to ensure victory belongs Yussibnosh better known by the name of Yus DO Dalat.
Exactly at 10.30 Jalil seems to walk alone without being accompanied by anyone going to visit every area petiundi here. You know, like pouring john fluevog water yam kedaun vowed to attract attention.
The latest in about 1 hour early evening on the way back, on average, john fluevog once the PKR machinery has appeared to accept the defeat of Jalil here with lowered flags and banners.
Blog Archive
2014 (137) December (137) Victory john fluevog Yussibnosh greater than Wan Azizah ... # PrkBalingian: BN Stylish Win Majority in Legislative Assembly N. .. # PrkBalingian: Pakatan Rakyat earlier figures ... # PrkBalingian: N51 Balingian Rejects ANWAR AND Sarawak PKR ... People do not mind Anwar to prison john fluevog for ... # PrkBalingian Total number john fluevog of District Centre Mengund ... PMS: NGO Scam Exposed # # PrkBalingian PrkBalingian: BN wants all voters down - Muhy ... # PrkBalingian: Mukah Coming Enjoying Developers Sec ... # PrkBalingian: TOL land in Balingian will be h ... # PrkBalingian: land grant given before the end of t ... # PrkBalingian: Diesel Subsidy Fishermen Maintained # PrkBalingian: RM250 Million Aid For Sarawak Small ... # PrkBalingian: Mawan praised for re-admitting sack ... # PrkBalingian: "Outsiders who disturb the peace sh ... # PrkBalingian: Abg Jo-No plan to Postpone tourism ... # PrkBalingian: Muhyiddin denies BN Irresponsible ... The government is looking after the people under the BN ... Duct Government RM46 Million To Help The Trouble In S. .. # PrkBalingian: Fishermen Wants Government To proce ... # PrkBalingian: BN Finish Down-Out I.. . # PrkBalingian: Pedi Support Adenan Extremists Deny ... # PrkBalingian: Do not Listen to the criticism of the Opposition ... # PrkBalingian: New Mukah-Bintulu Road # PrkBalingian: Rational Sarawak Less "Foreign Person" ... # PrkBalingian: Govt plans to make Mukah a smart ci ... # PrkBalingian: Shorter Mukah, Bintulu ride by 2016 # PrkBalingian: Barred Political leaders john fluevog not becaus ... # PrkBalingian: PRS leaders all out to tanah big w ... # PrkBalingian: PRESS METAL WATER HAS PASSED QUALITY ... # PrkBalingian: Over 5,000 Women Entrepreneurs Program ... # PrkBalingian: GOVERNMENT TO WOMEN BODY formers LEB ... # PrkBalingian: Happy Adenan Two Tribes john fluevog Ready supp ... # PrkBalingian: Early Voting john fluevog Process CRM Balingia john fluevog ... # PrkBalingian: Tian Chua, Saifuddin Rafizis And Dil ... # PrkBalingian: BN no Undaunted By Anwa ... # PrkBalingian: We Prefer More ... # PrkBalingian Shelf Development: TEKUN Loans Help Entrepreneurs Melan ... # PrkBalingian: Adenan 'no' to Umno's entry, Warns ... # PrkBalingian: End of supp Feud in sight # PrkBalingian: Enough manpower to tanah smooth john fluevog by ... # PrkBalingian: Smooth early voting at Mukah police admit ... Anwar experienced the radar # MH370 # PrkBalingian: ANWAR'S OPPORTUNISM MH370 Strikes Chinese T. .. Should Cooperate with Each Other ... He could not respect the victim's family # MH370 # PrkBalingian: Fatimah Ask Voters Outside Kawa ... # PrkBalingian: Locals john fluevog Reject Presence A. .. # PrkBalingian: Declining Majority Protest Proof Ter ... # PrkBalingian: The Iban In Balingian No Ter ... # PrkBalingian: Opposition Can not Afford to sue B. .. # PrkBalingian: Political Development Cer S'wak More .. . # PrkBalingian: Fixed BN Eager To Defend Kerus ... # PrkBalingian: BN not Ignore Rural People # PrkBalingian: HIGH LEVEL PROGRAM TO HELP THE EARTH CON ... # PrkBalingian: john fluevog BN AIMS TO GET HIGHER Voter turnout ... # PrkBalingian: WE DO NOT USE MONEY POLITICS, SAYS P. .. # PrkBalingian: MORE IN STORE IN Balingian # PrkBalingian: Mukah as a center for me

Tuesday, 01/04/2014 17:30 pm Prof. Leksmono: Monorail Do Dikasih New Alternatives, Not Later Finish

AKBP Adnan (Photo: Agus Setyadi / AFP) Banda Aceh - Adnan AKBP task indeed reprimand violators while patrolling traffic. But the matter of style rebuke, he improvised. The tone was sarcastic but funny. What is the reason middle Ditlantas Aceh Police officer is doing it? "The Acehnese have long lived in conflict. So they will not hear when we talk loud. Then nag with this we are able to touch his inner so very effectively reduce the number of traffic violators," said Adnan told AFP on the sidelines of a patrol around the Banda Aceh on Wednesday (03/19/2014). Before choosing this way, Adnan never consulted with a number of professors and psychologists from Kuala University. He asks advice from the professors to disseminate information that will be effective in Aceh. And proven way meupep-pep (nag) were selected Adnan is effective in reducing the number of traffic offenders in Banda Aceh. Distinctive style patrol makes people easy to remember the messages conveyed Adnan. In fact, not a few residents of Banda Aceh mimic speech often pronounced Adnan. osh kosh Now, many people who greet Adnan with the words 'nyan', laughing. Adnan just smiled at the sight of the people called him with these words. When Adnan Iskandar Muda Regional Military visit to submit caps are entrusted by his superiors, many soldiers there laughing at the sight of Adnan. Most of them also say the words 'nyan' is often pronounced Adnan while talking. They look familiar to police figures 'meupep-pep' this. Adnan is known easy to get along with all ages. Here's one of the chosen style and sentence Adnan while on patrol: "Nyan (it) Adek school wearing clothes that do not wear helmets.'ll Fall broke his head was not pretty anymore. Our men do not want to if not pretty, nyan. Tomorrow do not forget wear a helmet yes. Nyan. " osh kosh "Nyan, the child's mother in the back have been sleepy. Kindly stop mother first buk so that children do not fall, nyan."
Hundreds osh kosh of university students in Manado Samratulangi attacking each other. Dozens of buildings were destroyed and dozens of lectures motorcycles were burnt. Watch the full coverage osh kosh in the program "Reporting Night" at 2:51 pm only on Trans TV (try / try)
Seeing Style Patrol AKBP Adnan 'The Police Nagging' Unique Stylish, This Full Profile osh kosh AKBP Adnan 'The Police Nagging' Story AKBP Adnan 'The Police Nagging', Teasing and Pursue Citizens to Make Homes with AKBP Adnan, osh kosh traffic cop 'Nagging' no Ever Menilang
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Tuesday, 01/04/2014 17:30 pm Prof. Leksmono: Monorail Do Dikasih New Alternatives, Not Later Finished workmanship fate still hanging monorail in Jakarta, even dead ends. It is now emerging discourse of other transport, metro capsule. Preferably, the monorail idea must be realized and do not rush given other alternatives.
Friday, 04/04/2014 10:52 pm Irma Shita Arlyza, Fall and Rise Discover New Species of Fish Pari Several challenges must be passed osh kosh Irma Shita Arlyza to find a new species of stingrays. After 6 years, Irma sacrifice to fruition but instead did not want to be immortalized on finding species that are eventually given the Latin name Himantura spotted.
Friday, 11/04/2014 16:39 WIB Presidential Demi Absolute Efficiency Starting this month the Government of Indonesia osh kosh has a special aircraft that is intended as a Presidential osh kosh Aircraft approaching a price of Rp 900 billion. Maybe it can to build a few hundred osh kosh or a few hundred school hospital. But the aircraft procurement RI 1 was absolute for efficiency. Why?
Chief Justice Proposed Salary USD 500 Million It Makes Sense! Chairman Marzuki KY Supaman justices proposed salary of Rp 500 million, up from a monthly salary of Rp 30 million per month not including benefits. According to the Coordinator of the Legal and Judicial Monitoring Division ICW Emerson Yuntho, the Rp 500 million does not make sense if the reason that the right