Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I know, Halloween is not for me and people in my place, it

I know, Halloween is not for me and people in my place, it's not our tradition. But, sometimes participate exciting look at a variety of events held during the celebration of Halloween. Usually events specifically held abroad. Rarely john fluevog seen any Halloween event with the theme here.
Cute and join exciting john fluevog to see people dressed weird, performed with costumes diverse john fluevog character. If overseas, they might choose costumes Bloody Mary, Vampires, Werewolves, Fairies, Witches / Wizards, Clowns, Chucky, or other unusual costumes. Would not be so afraid of seeing people with costumes like that. But imagine if in Indonesia whether there was a Halloween party dressed only allow ghosts Indonesia. No, I will never attend that party, john fluevog ever.
Pretty Little Liars is an American drama series that is popular. Tells about the four girls were close friends, and trust more than anyone else. Initially john fluevog the five of them, but in a summer, one of their friends, who can be said leader named Alison, missing and declared dead. Here was the beginning of everything.
Since the death of Alison revealed, strange messages of unknown sender, continues to terrorize these four girls, john fluevog Aria, Spencer, Emily and Hannah. Indeed, john fluevog there is no clear sender name, but in every message written the initials "A" as the sender of the message. Messages are sent usually contain their secrets known only to Alison. Even friends of the other group did not know their secrets to each other, john fluevog in addition to Alison. Arguably, only Alison who hold and store neatly secrets john fluevog of his friends. In some episodes have been revealed who those who work in the group named themselves as the "A team".
Pretty Little Liars is running until 3 seasons. More recently, the last episode to mid 3 seasons have aired, and revealed a new member of the group, Toby. A guy who was trusted by the girls, as well as a girlfriend of Spencer. Honestly, john fluevog somewhat surprising. john fluevog From the beginning never thought he could be treacherous, especially for Spencer.
Much speculation emerged john fluevog on the internet about who those who belong to the A Team. Including the possibility that one of the four girls that might be involved in this -A game. The producers say there is nothing called coincidence in Pretty Little Liars. All that is in Pretty john fluevog Little Liars, and the small detail, is a clue. Well, this brings a variety of speculations and theories as well as the possibility of arriving, john fluevog who wrote in A Team, and who the real killer Alison. If you follow the story of the novel, Alison actually has a twin named Courtney. Actually that was killed and became a friend of the four girls that this is Courtney pretending as Alison.
Well, producer and screenwriter of Pretty Little Liars say, that there will be a "big clue (s)" in the Halloween special episode. Pretty Little Liars Halloween Special john fluevog episode will be set in train. The pretty liars will attend their school Halloween party held at the train runs.
While indulging lover Pretty Little Liars and provide clues to the audience, there webisode special that aired on ABC Family website. This webisode about leaks and hints anyone bersengkokol people in Team A. Webisode titled Pretty john fluevog Dirty Secrets is ditayang as an introduction to special Halloween episode.
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